Monday, October 16, 2023

A common criticism

 A common criticism.

I found this excerpt from a website quoting a paper from the early 1900’s and a minister criticizing billy Sunday.

In 1907, journalist Lindsay Denison complained that Sunday preached "the old, old doctrine of damnation". Denison wrote, "In spite of his conviction that the truly religious man should take his religion joyfully, he gets his results by inspiring fear and gloom in the hearts of sinners. The fear of death, with torment beyond it—intensified by examples of the frightful deathbeds of those who have carelessly or obdurately put off salvation until it is too late—it is with this mighty menace that he drives sinners into the fold."

Even here they complained when you preached of death and hell, torment and sin.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

When we stop to think of the great revivals we often forget that they were not universal, they were not without opposition, nor were they all joyfully received.

Jesus preached hell fire and damnation, and repentance.

John the Baptist preached of coming judgment and repentance.

If it is good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.

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No reason for adding i just like em