Thursday, November 10, 2022

Jesus Refuels the Disciples

Mar 6:30  And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. 

Mar 6:31  And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. 

Mar 6:32  And they departed into a desert place by ship privately. 

Jesus was taking the Apostles to the side to get them to eat and rest for their comings and goings were many. He was trying to get them sometime to themselves for they had not had time to eat. The people were needing so much from them, and they were giving to the people what they needed.

They departed to a place by ship privately. Or did they? No the people saw and they did the best to follow.

Jesus was worried about the Apostles for they had no time to rest, no privacy to decompress and He was trying to get them to a place they could compose themselves, refresh, recharge and get back to work.

How many times do we also need to do this but fail to recognize that need in those around us? Jesus saw they needed it and pulled them aside.

Jesus Himself saw the need for a gathering of the believers, a time to recharge, fellowship just amongst themselves, eat, strengthen and re-commit.

How foolish we are that we do not do this anymore. You wonder why we are ineffective? We have no game plan, no team work, no chemistry.

Jesus was filled with Compassion for His team desirous of them to recharge, and refuel. Not only did He worry about it, but He did something about it. He pulled them aside, took them to a private place and they ate and spent time in fellowship. They talked of what they had done, what they had taught, and how the people accepted it.

They praised together, prayed together, talked successes (and later failures) together. Jesus built a team and He looked out for that team in a fierce and protective way as demonstrated here.

We too need this, a recharge, refueling stop. I know we have some major conferences that allow this but what about your church team? 

Does your church team take this time weekly? Before Sunday school? Before visitation? Before Sunday Night?

Does your church congregation do this? Gather for prayer and praise before each event? Whether teens, or services or visitation, do you gather collectively for prayer and pray God's Power and Spirit into each?

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