Sunday, March 2, 2025

He is not here for He is Risen, as He said

 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said

Mat 28:6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
This is the cornerstone of all we do. right here if it had not been said, if it had not been done, if He had not arose, then nothing we do will matter.
He is not here, this matters so very much, for had He been in the grave on that Resurrection morning then what would we have? Just another Sunday.
He is risen. Notice the wording, not brought back, not raised to life, No He is Risen. He who laid down His life for you has taken it back up and now, because He took His life back, He can give you that very life that He promised in John 3:16.
Jesus is in His Physical, perfected body yet the body that still carries the scars, the marks of His time here on this earth.
He arose, As He said.
He said He was going to Rise again. He said He was going to be in the grave for three days and that He would then take His life back up. He is risen as He said.
This is our Rock, this is our Foundation.
The Angel came and announced He was not in the grave, he also told the women to “Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
He didn’t just tell them of the Risen Lord, no he invited them in to see the empty tomb, and the empty graveclothes.
He is Risen as He said. Because He arose, all that we do matters. Preach the Gospel, for we have a promise from Him that He will come back. He arose as He said. So too shall He come back.
As He said.

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