1Jn 1:4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
This to me is quite interesting. For he, John, the author of this book, who has been persecuted, exiled, boiled in oil, is full of joy and he wants us to have that same joy.
That your Joy may be full.
Notice not his joy, but yours.
He writes all of this that you might know and believe and that you might have a heart for the things of God and that your joy may be full.
(side note: this kinda dispels the name it and claim it crowd, the prosperity people for John writes this book that JOY may be the result).
Joy A feeling of great pleasure – happiness. Not a high priority in today’s world is it? Joy, happiness, it comes from Jesus, it comes from the knowledge of Jesus, it comes from a heart full of His Love flowing out to man.
Have you ever witnessed of your Jesus to another? If you have then you know that joy for it wells up in you.
Have you ever led another to Christ? If you have then you know the joy of a soul saved from the gates of hell, a soul saved from the pits to life everlasting.
If you have no joy in your life, then tell another of your Jesus, relive, revive and reignite your Spirit by melding with another’s.
John got joy from writing, talking, telling, of this man Jesus. John got Joy from relaying to you the message he had been given from the Son of God, the Messiah, the Redeemer.
Is your Joy full?
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