Tuesday, July 23, 2024

They shushed him

 Luk 18:39 And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

They which went before Jesus rebuked him, those were the ones that thought Jesus was too good, too busy to stop and help a beggar, apparently they had not been watching all along. That blind beggar and all the people like him were the exact reason Jesus was here. This blind beggar was hushed, told to stand down and not bother the great man.
Do you think that if Jesus had come in any other manner than what He did, that this was a picture of what His whole life would have been? They would have kept Him unattainable, untouchable for the “common” man.
This blind man did not hush, no he cried the more and louder, he knew that his one chance at healing was passing by.
His faith was astounding, for all he had to go on was what others said, he had not seen any of it for himself. Imagine if you were having to rely on some of your friends and coworkers stories for the truth of the matter.
Here is something else that has always bothered me. All those that know the Savior and have benefited from Him are telling a man that truly needs Him to be quiet. They have been blessed yet they fail to talk and tell and allow that same One that Blessed them to bless others. They have been blessed yet the do not want others to bother Him and get the same blessings they themselves have already received. Does that not apply to us? How many we do not tell of this Jesus that has blessed us, Delivered us yet we keep Him to ourselves, how very selfish of us.

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