Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saved to?


Why did Jesus (God) come to this earth? That He might Redeem mankind. What exactly does Redeem mean? Oxford Dictionary: Redeem

1.    compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something).

Jesus compensated for our faults our bad aspects by coming here and dying for us as we were unable to provide the necessary payment. He came to this earth, the Creator, came to this earth and died for His Creation that He created for His Fellowship. We are the created who walked away from Him, all the time we do it. Yet He came to fulfill what had to be done that we might have a suitable price.

2.    gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment.

The second definition, to gain or REGAIN possession of (something) in exchange for payment.

Are you seeing this? 2 different definitions of redeem and He provided the full definition for us!

How do we not live for Him after all He has done?

We walked away from Him, we had to be redeemed, repurchased and the only suitable payment was Him. The Creator had to die as He was the only one capable of redeeming the lost and sinful creation.

Ok so now that we know this, now we are going to accept the gift and live for Him fully and forever right?

No, now we are going to reject Him again!

The worst part? He came to die, knowing He would be rejected time and time and time again. Betrayed, Beaten and bruised and not only at the cross.

Yet the Love that drew Salvation’s plan, the mighty gulf He didst span, He did that for us knowing what was going to happen.

Even today we cheapen that sacrifice, that payment made for our sins, by living however we want instead of being pure and Holy as the Savior, the Sacrifice is.

We have so much to learn.

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